Orange Pill Your Friends And Family
As soon as I had my orange pill moment and came to the realization that Bitcoin is inevitable, I naturally felt the urge to help my friends and family come to the same realization. Unfortunately, they all seemed to be content with the way things work (which is incredibly common in the US) but I didn’t let that get in the way of my conviction.
Over the years, I have done everything I can to get others to realize that fiat money is designed to depreciate in value over time and the only way out is to stop using fiat altogether. Instead of constantly repeating myself over and over and over again, I found that sharing some simple tools has been the most effective way to show others how bitcoin fixes real world problems. Showing my friends and family concrete data like this helps them to understand how bitcoin can actually help them solve real-world problems.
After years of effort, some of my close friends and family have taken the orange pill and begun their own journey down the bitcoin rabbit hole. I hope these tools are as helpful for you as they have been for me.
Orange Pill With Simple Data
One of the very first objections that you will run into when trying to orange pill your friends and family is that “bitcoin is risky” or ‘bitcoin is too volatile”. To alleviate these concerns, you can start off by showing them some of the basic tools that show the simple value of bitcoin over a long period of time and that volatility is actually more of an advantage for buying over a long period of time.
Store Of Time
Store Of Time is a great tool to easily show how bitcoin is a useful tool to store the value of your time or maybe more importantly the time they spend working. Store of Time has a few drop-down menus to choose from to select how well 1 day of work traded for money would compare to bitcoin as well as multiple other assets commonly used to store value.
Since we all work hard for the money that we use to purchase goods and services, we naturally want that money to hold its value long into the future. Unfortunately, fiat money doesn’t do that very well. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is the best tool for mid to long term savings and this tool can prove it. Naturally, if you buy and hodl for at least a few years, 1 day of work traded for bitcoin is worth a lot more than your local fiat currency is in that same timespan.
When To Use This Tool: If you’re trying to orange pill your friends and family from a labor perspective, Store of Time is a great way to show how much the value of your time is being eroded by fiat currency and how bitcoin is a superior store of time.
Bitcoin Magazine Pro
Bitcoin Magazine Pro (formerly Look Into Bitcoin)is a website that offers a wealth of information on the bitcoin blockchain, mining, profitability, and much more. Some common charts that I use to orange pill my friends and family are the bitcoin profitable days chart which shows whether or not someone would be profitable based on what price they bought bitcoin at.
Another great tool to help others to better understand bitcoin is the number of addresses holding more than x bitcoin per year. In a simple chart, you can easily show your friends and family the increase of individuals and businesses alike who are using bitcoin as savings.
When To Use This Tool: Bitcoin Magazine Pro is a great tool for showing your friends and family exactly how many days that bitcoin has been “profitable” and if they had purchased any amount of bitcoin in the green zone, it would be worth more than when they bought it.
DCA BTC is an excellent tool for quickly showing the value of buying bitcoin slowly and consistently over the course of months or even years with a simple dollar cost average purchase on a fixed schedule.
When To Use This Tool: DCA BTC is an excellent way to show that bitcoin is not a get rich quick scheme like a lot of people want it to be. It shows the value of making small bitcoin purchases over a long period of time and just hodling. It might not be as glamorous as smash buying the bottom of a bear market but it does show the merit of a very reasonable purchasing strategy to reduce the risk of buying a volatile asset.
Wen Moon
Wen Moon it a tool to calculate when you can retire based on how much bitcoin you have and how much fiat you want to live off of when you do. Instead of making random “predictions” and trying to orange pill your friends and family with hopium and obscure “number go up” memes, you can use Jimbo’s tool to present some actual long-term calculations on when somebody can retire on their bitcoin holdings. This tool can be used to calculate your “moon date” based on your bitcoin stack size, your desired income in today’s dollars, annual USD inflation, and annual bitcoin price appreciation. Filling out these 4 basic fields can show you “Wen Moon” based on these calculations.
When To Use This Tool: When you use Wen Moon with some of the other tools mentioned above, it can give you a pretty good understanding of when you will be able to stop stacking and live off of your bitcoin stack for the rest of your life. Wen Moon is a great tool to orange pill your friends and family who are looking for some more tangible set date in the future to look forward to. I have had good success with my older relatives who want to retire soon.
Bitcoin Or Shit
Bitcoin Or Shit shows the value of buying bitcoin instead of cheap goods that ultimately don’t offer any sort of long-term benefit or value. When you buy bitcoin instead of cheap fiat junk, you will have a while lot more to show for it in a few years time. If you still decide that you want to buy something after a few years, then you will have a whole lot more purchasing power if you buy bitcoin first and then hodl for a few years and then spend it on some dumb fiat shit.
When To Use This Tool: Use this tool to orange pill your friends and family that buy lots of fiat consumer goods. If they would just buy at least $100 worth of bitcoin and hodl it for a few years, they would have a whole lot more purchasing power than if they bought that fiat junk that is now sitting in their garage, attic, storage unit, or even in the trash.
Satoshis Per Person
Satoshis Per Person shows how many sats there are per person in the world. By dividing the total number of sats in circulation by the number of human beings on the planet, you can see approximately how many satoshis per person are possible.
When To Use This Tool: Use this tool to orange pill your friends and family who don’t understand that you can own a fraction of a bitcoin and that they can own more bitcoin than most people in the entire world if they just buy some bitcoin and hold onto it. This can be a useful tool to get people to buy their first fraction of a bitcoin and keep an eye on it.
Orange Pill With Technical Data
Some of your friends and family are naturally going to express technical concerns about why Bitcoin can’t be trusted or it isn’t secure. These tools are best suited for providing all of the most relevant technical data about the bitcoin network, bitcoin mining, the lightning network, the blockchain, and other technical aspects of the inner workings of the bitcoin network.
Timechain Calendar
Timechain Calendar is one of the best tools in the industry to show all sorts of blockchain data in more of a clock format instead of a more linear format like many other block explorer tools use. Timechain Calendar provides users with an intuitive and visually engaging way to track essential milestones in the bitcoin ecosystem. As the clock “hands” move, users can observe the timing and correlation of significant events, such as halving cycles and difficulty adjustments. Timechain Calendar not only offers an aesthetically pleasing interface but also provides a practical tool for new users to comprehend the temporal dynamics of bitcoin.
When To Use This Tool: Use this tool when you need to explain bitcoin in relation to time and how every new block moves everything one step closer to the next halving and difficulty adjustment. Showing some of these metrics can help your friends and family understand how bitcoin works on a more technical level by using an analogy of time instead of a bunch of new buzzwords that they are unfamiliar with.
Mempool Space
Mempool Space seems to be the block explorer of choice by the bitcoin plebs and for good reason. It shows a lot of valuable technical data about the mempool and blockchain in real time like the current block height, the current fee rate based on confirmation time, a colorful chart that makes it easy to understand how the mempool works and so much more.
Mempool Space also has some other valuable data for better understanding bitcoin mining, the hashrate, difficulty adjustment, and some other important mining data that can be a valuable educational tool.
If you want to show your friends and family how bitcoin works from a more technical level, Mempool Space is a great tool to take a bunch of the mystery out of things in a clean and inviting interface that will leave your friends and family wanting to know more.
Bitfeed is another colorful website that can be a great tool to orange pill your friends and family. With Bitfeed, you can sit and watch new bitcoin transaction pouring into the mempool waiting to be added to the blockchain.
When To Use This Tool: Bit Feed can be a great way to show people that bitcoin is actively being used to send payments right now. Bitfeed is a great way to explain metrics like the fee rate and the size of bitcoin transactions in vbytes. It’s not only used occasionally by a small group of nerds living in their mom’s basement.
TimechainStats is another great dashboard that shows a bunch of different technical metrics of the last bitcoin block, the bitcoin price & hashrate overtop of each other, comparison of the fees vs. subsidy in the block reward, as well as comparing bitcoin to a number of fiat currencies, and links to dozens of other bitcoin resources.
When To Use This Tool: If you are having trouble orange pilling your friends and family who are more data driven, you might find some useful touch points here on TimechainStats.
Bitnodes provides real-time insights on the global distribution of Bitcoin nodes with a comprehensive and interactive map of the global Bitcoin network. Bitnodes offers users a unique perspective on the decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network by visualizing the geographical locations of active nodes on clear net.
When To Use This Tool: Use Bitnodes to orange pill your friends and family who think that bitcoin can be shut down, censored, or centrally controlled. Knowing how distributed the bitcoin network can prove to be a valuable learning tool to better understand how bitcoin is anti-fragile and immune to centralized attacks on the network.
Orange Pill With Market Data
Some of your friends and family won’t want to know all of the technical details of how bitcoin works nearly as much as how it compares to other “investments” in traditional finance.
Fiat Market Cap
Fiat Market Cap shows the current market capitalization of bitcoin as well as all of the fiat currencies in the world (or maybe just most of them).
One of the more common arguments that you’re likely to hear while trying to orange pill your friends and family is that “Bitcoin will never surpass fiat currency” or something like that. Well, that’s when you drop this amazing tool on them to show them that Bitcoin actually already has surpassed ~80% of fiat currencies in the world by market cap (as of today’s price of ~29k). With each and every new buy order placed by the truly convicted bitcoin plebs, we grow one step closer to surpassing the next fiat currency.
If your friends and family are interested in knowing how Bitcoin’s cumulative value is stacking up to all of the fiat currencies in the world, Fiat Market Cap is the tool to use.
Priced In Bitcoin 21
Priced In Bitcoin 21 is a great tool to quickly show the value of a number of different fiat currencies, precious metals, commodities, equity markets, bond markets, and even the price of housing against the price of bitcoin in the past day, week, month, 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.
Priced In Bitcoin also has a feature that displays bitcoin parity in relation to a number of other metrics such as sat/cent parity, gold, silver, and many more. Showing all of this data in a simple view can be a great way to orange pill your friends and family who are looking at a long term store of value against a bunch of other common assets that are often considered a safe place to put money for long periods of time.
When To Use This Tool: Use Priced In Bitcoin to orange pill your friends and family who use any of the assets listed on this site as a store of value. This can be a great way to show that bitcoin is a superior asset class for storing value. After looking at these charts, it’s easy to see that the longer you hold it, the greater the disparity between all other assets.
CBDC Tracker
CBDC Tracker by is an interactive tool that enables you to see all of the CBDCs that are being tested and launched all around the world. You can view the entire world and click on any country to view the current status of CBDCs in any given jurisdiction.
When To Use This Tool: CBDC Tracker is best used to show people who don’t know enough about central bank digital currencies and where they are being researched, piloted, and fully launched. This simple tools takes all of the mystery out of it with clear and tangible data in a clean interface. Use this to educate your friends and family about the dangers of a currency that is completely controlled by central banks.
Orange Pill Your Boomer Friends & Family
If you want to orange pill your boomer friends and family, you are going to need to use some tools that they are more familiar with. They tend to use a lot of older means for portfolio diversification so showing them how bitcoin compares to all of the traditional investments like gold, stocks, bonds, and even real estate can be a much more effective tool that showing them the best bitcoin memes or using the latest bitcoin slang. A more traditional audience requires a more traditional set of tools and data.
Bitcoin Treasuries
Bitcoin Treasuries is the single largest repository of all of the largest companies and governments that hold bitcoin on their balance sheet.

When To Use This Tool: Use this tool to orange pill your friends and family who are not convinced that any meaningful companies or governments are using bitcoin as a reserve treasury asset. This is a great way to show bitcoin’s value with just a single chart of all of the confirmed bitcoin treasuries in the world.
They Own Bitcoin
If you’re having trouble orange pilling your friends and family with pure bitcoin facts, you might try to use celebrity influence to show them notable people who own bitcoin. Among the bitcoin rich list are thought and industry leaders such as Elon Musk, Tim Cook, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Tiel, Joe Rogan, Edward Snowden, and dozens of other people they have likely heard of.
Sometimes people don’t want to be taught or lectured about bitcoin. Sometimes they just want to know that someone famous has some bitcoin and that might be enough for you to move them one step closer to taking their own plunge into the bitcoin rabbit hole.
WTF Happened In 1971
WTF Happened In 1971 is a great tool for helping others to better understand why so many things in today’s economy and financial world are as bad as they are. Why is everything more expensive since 1971? Why is housing so expensive? Why is the value of the dollar going down? Why is college so expensive? Why is the cost of living so high?
Well, as it turns out, 1971 is when the US government “suspended the convertibility of US dollars into gold” when the federal government effectively defaulted on its debt obligations and the gold standard was abandoned. It was in 1971 that the US dollar became pure fiat and the value of the dollar became entirely dependent on the supply and demand of one fiat currency against all of the other fiat currencies.
If you want to take a more economic data based approach, WTF happened in 1971 is an excellent tool to orange pill your friends and family.
Orange Pill Your Friends & Family With Bitcoin Culture
Sometimes all that is necessary to get a conversation started about bitcoin is for someone to see something a bit more physical and start to ask questions about it. Once the conversation has begun, you can figure out some of their needs and then help them to understand how bitcoin fixes real world problems.
Bitcoin culture is full of all sorts of art, music, memes, hardware, books, clothing, slang, documentaries, sculptures, comics, and more. Use all of these great cultural tools to orange pill your friends and family in subtle ways that are much less likely to offend.
Bitcoin Hardware
As soon as someone understands that a little hard drive on my shelf keeps a complete record of every bitcoin transaction since the beginning of bitcoin, it helps solve a lot of the mystery behind the inner workings of Bitcoin and the blockchain.
As soon as the conversation has begun, you can move them into some of the more technical details of how bitcoin works with any number of the tools listed above.
Bitcoin Art
All throughout history, art has been one of the ways that new ideas have spread and old ones have been challenged. Bitcoin art is no different. Displaying something as simple as the bitcoin whitepaper on your wall or a framed tweet from Hal Finney, Elon Musk, Edward Snowden and other well known minds can be a great way to orange pill your friends and family.
If you have some bitcoin art hanging on your wall, you can better believe that it will start some very insightful conversations with your friends and family who are open minded enough to learn more about bitcoin and how it can help them.
Bitcoin Clothing
Bitcoin clothing is another way that we can orange pill our friends and family in subtle ways that they won’t even notice at first. They can be subtle like a shirt that says “21” or they can be a bit more thought provoking like shirts that are all about the many reasons to use bitcoin. No matter what you decide to wear, bitcoin clothing is a powerful tool to start conversations about bitcoin.
Books About Bitcoin
If you enjoy reading all about bitcoin, then having a collection of all of the best bitcoin books is a great way to orange pill and start the conversation all about bitcoin. Since bitcoin is so many different things to so many different people, having a collection of books that can answer questions or any kind is a great way to help educate new users and begin them on their own journey down the bitcoin rabbit hole.
Final Thoughts
Getting your loved ones to understand and care about bitcoin is an uphill battle and it will definitely be frustrating at times but you are not alone. There are a multitude of pleb powered educational tools that are here to help orange pill your friends and family. If you focus on the specific concerns that you are faced with the most, you are more likely to show them the path to freedom. For some, they might be concerned about bitcoin’s ability to store value over time. For others, they might not fully understand the technology that makes it work. Others might just need to see that they would have a whole lot more money if they didn’t buy a bunch of unfulfilling fiat crap.
No matter who you are trying to educate, you are bound to find at least one of these tools helpful as you orange pill the next wave of bitcoiners.
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